March 20, 2012

Of Love, Marriage & Fire
     I leaned against my window and looked out at the world around me. People walked by, cars drove down the road, and the occasional pigeon perched on the roof across from me. I grabbed a crust of bread, and set it out on the balcony in case the pigeon was hungry, but he warily avoided me and the bread. 
As I tried to get the pigeon's attention, Jesus came from around the corner and looked up at me on the balcony. 
"Hey you!" He said lovingly "What are you up to?"
"Oh, not much," I replied "just thought I'd try to feed the pigeons, but they aren't interested." I dusted off my hands and leaned over the railing to look at Him.
"You wanna come up?" I asked
"Of course!" He smiled as He swung Himself up and over the edge of the railing and joined me. 
I looked over at Him
"I have a question today." I said
"Marvelous! What about?" He said as He picked up the crust of bread and began crumbling it.
"It's about my relationship with you..."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I've been listening to some preachers, and other people, and they all tell me that I should be madly, head over heels in love with you. Don't get me wrong - I love you! There's no doubt about that. It's just that.... well..."
"You aren't ecstatically over the moon for me?" Jesus laughed
"Exactly. And that makes me wonder if something is wrong - why aren't I crazy in love with you? Shouldn't it be that I can't stop thinking about you, and you're all I ever want to talk about?"
"Nope." was my reply
"No?" I asked, confused at the short reply "So all those other people are wrong?"
"Nope." was again my reply. I raised an eyebrow at Him. He smiled at me. After a pause I asked 
"So... You going to explain?"
"Once upon a time," He began thoughtfully "there was a young man and woman who met, and fell madly in love. They were over the moon ecstatically enthralled with each other. They were all the other could think or talk about. Then they stayed that way for the rest of their life. The end."
"No offense, but that's a pretty bad love story." I said. Jesus smiled.
"Once upon a time," He said again "there was a young man and woman who met, and fell madly in love. They were over the moon ecstatically enthralled with each other. They were all the other could think or talk about. So they got married, and began a life together. Gradually, the hot flames of passion that began their relationship became bright, glowing coals of commitment and trust. They fought, they made up. They laughed, they cried. They grew, and learned together. They daily and  carefully tended their love. It became the kind of love that could stand any weather, and anything that people could throw at them. It wasn't always easy, fun, or glamourous. But it was real, and true. The end." Jesus looked at me. "There's nothing wrong with being passionately in love, but it's no way to live your whole life. It's exhausting, and hard to concentrate on anything else. It drains you very quickly, and when it's all you want, and you put all your energy into trying to always recapture those flames instead of growing the love deeper and stronger, you won't last very long."
"Sometimes" I said "it seems easier to just be blissfully in love though, instead of dealing with all the issues that come up with a life of commitment."
"But the rewards are far greater when you do commit." Jesus replied 
"So I guess I'll never be over the moon for you?" I asked, mildly disappointed
"We'll still have times where those feelings are brought back for a short time," He said "just don't  try to create them, or make them stay. Enjoy them while the last. Love is about way more than just how you feel at the moment. Over the moon, or otherwise."
I nodded. Jesus took a piece of bread, and held it out. The pigeon that had been watching us swooped down and landed in His hand to take the food. Jesus gave it a pat on the head before it took off again and flew out of sight. 

January 30, 2012

Of Walks and Strawberries
   I was taking a walk down a sunny dirt road with Jesus, admiring the little flowers that grew bravely in the ditch and listening to a bird cheerily whistle his song when for no reason in particular I became restless. I felt like I had to do something, or go somewhere, and in a hurry. I turned towards my Maker.
"Hey Jesus?" I asked
"Yes Shalene?" He replied
"Why haven't we been on any adventures lately? I mean, this whole just walking around quietly can get old pretty fast."
"Why would you think we're not on an adventure right now?" He asked as He bent down, plucked a piece of grass and began chewing on it.
"Because we aren't doing anything new and exciting I guess." I replied.
We veered off into the ditch, and hopped a fence into a field. I heard Jesus began to quietly recite

"There is an appointed time for everything. 
And there is a time for every event under heaven—
 A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. 
A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up. 
A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance. 
A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing. 
A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away. 
A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to speak. 
A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace."

He turned and looked at me with a smile and continued "A time for exciting adventures, and a time for not-so-exciting adventures."
"Are you saying we're on an adventure right now?"
"Of sorts." He replied. "No matter where you are or what you are doing, as long as you're with me, you are on an adventure, and there is something I have for you to learn from it."
   It made sense to me. So as we plopped down in a patch of wild strawberries and began eating them, I tried to fathom what I was supposed to learn from walking through fields and eating small red berries. After some deliberation, I turned to Jesus and said
"I think I might know what it is you are trying to teach me."
"Oh really? What?"
"I think it has something to do with patience, and resting - perhaps with being content as well. You know, just being happy with what I have, and where I am, no matter where or what it is. Not having to always be going somewhere or doing something - just sitting quietly with you and listening."
Jesus eyes sparkled at me
"Good guess." He said as He handed me an extra large strawberry He had found. "I love it when people just sit and spend time with me. It's the best way to get to know someone."
"Kinda like celebrities huh?" I asked as I popped the berry in my mouth "You can know all about them, where they live, what they like or don't like, you can read their biographies, and what they've been up to, but if you don't actually spend time with them, you can't really know them, and they will never know you!"
After a short pause, Jesus looked over at me and asked
"So, you wanna go do something?"
I smiled.
"Actually, I'm really enjoying this time of just sitting and being with you."
"Perfect." said Jesus. "Me too."
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